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This bouquet celebrates the fun side of life. With pops of peach, yellow, pink and purple from the strawflowers, craspedia and achellia. There's no way you can look at this bouquet without feeling happy!


The small bouquet is perfect for a shorter vase, while the large size will fit a standard size vase perfectly. Stems can also be trimmed down as you wish. Please note this is a natural product so each bouquet will be slightly unique

Tutti-Frutti Dried Bouquet

  • Keep the flowers dry and keep away from moisture and direct heat. This product is flamable so keep away from naked flames.

  • Available for local delivery (within 25km of Abergele), Nationwide Postage via Royal Mail or collection. 

    Local Delivery is available Wed- Sat. It isn't possible to select an exact delivery time, but we will message the day before your delivery to give you a delivery slot. Same day delivery is not available over the winter months.

    The flowers are dried so someone must be present at the address to accept the delivery as they will become damaged if left outside. If no one is home we will try and leave them in a safe location, but can not be held responsible for what happens to them after that. 

    Nationwide Postage please allow 2 working days for dispatch, then your bouquet will be posted in a letterbox sized box via Royal Mail 2nd Class. Your bouquet will be delivered deconstucted for you to arrange yourself in a vase.

    Collection is available Wed- Sat for free from our flower farm in Moelfre, Abergele. We will send you our full address, along with your collection time slot the day before your collection date.


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